
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Get back behind the line!

WE have to protect our eyes and ears and be careful with our words. Actually that is something that I've taught my children...the Devil knows how to trick us. He draws a line that's just a little out of your comfort zone and if you're not aware and ready to be strong, you may fall or plain ol' cave. Then he draws another line and that deed or thought doesn't seem so bad because you've already lowered your standards from the first incident. Before you know it, the Devil has you so far away from the expectations and morals you once started with...and you find yourself so gone that you don't recognize yourself.

Ultimately, when we allow this to happen, he has tricked us from the life God has planned for us. In a short amount of time, but slow enough we can't recognize it's happening, we can find that we've stepped so far away from our starting point where we have God centered that we can see and feel the distance between us. Because it's so slow and sneaky, we didn't even realize it was taking place. We have to guard our hearts, even if the world says something is OK we must stand firm. Yes, stand firm even when it seems to be just the smallest of things...things that are just out of character for us or just south of our morals. Keep watch, for he lurks!!!

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