
Monday, November 28, 2011

I entered an Authur's Challenge!

Hi there! I entered this writing contest for children's books...they just started voting and the top few winners get ebooks/library stuff for the children's school....I'd also win some moola! I wanted to share this with you to see if you'll take a second to read my story and vote for it!

I am truly horrible at asking friends to vote because I don't want to inconvenience you, but if I win it would really benefit my son's school. So here's goes: will you vote for me? and share with your friends? or in any groups you're on in facebook if they're okay with it?

You can vote once a day, but the cool thing is, no one has to register, they just have to be signed onto facebook, go to my book and click like. I didn't realize it was going to be a "VOTING" system like this...I hate asking friends to vote on stuff, but would love to earn some gear for the boys school and cash would be nice for me! LOL

If not I totally understand, but thought I'd ask ya. Here's the link: I wrote 2 books, but this one is probably the better of the two, so I'm just sorta sharing this one. I hope it doesn't stink! LOL I wrote it for a younger demo so it'll be a quick read and they'll illustrate it with fun pictures. Not sure if it's good, but I thought I'd try...who knows?

Thanks in advance....hope you're doing great...HAPPY MONDAY!!!! HUGS!!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

No limits!

If you think you're not're right...none of us are.  That's totally the point of why God sent Jesus Christ to us, to bridge that gap to God that WE have created. God uses the meek, the flawed and the broken to do all sorts of beautiful things.  Things that those people never thought they could accomplish. In fact, without God, they wouldn't have accomplished them at all.  You know, it doesn't matter where you've been, the thing that truly matters is where you're going; what is your direction today?  If you need to make a change - then make it!  Hugs and love friends...have an awesome weekend!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookies....yum!

YUM! I got selected for a COOKIE Campaign at BzzAgent...they sent me 2 boxes packed full of chocolate chip cookies - it's Kroger's "The Truly Awesome Homestyle Chip Cookies". I had never seen them before, but they taste yummy...especially warmed up in the microwave!!! I spoke to family members and even shared a few (a few LOL) of my cookies. WOW these taste great I was impressed. You totally have to microwave these to get that just out of the oven taste; they're still SUPER yummy even if you don't heat them up! Love these!!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Slow Fade

In my opinion, one of the most dangerous things in a Christian’s life is “the slow fade.” The bad thing is it happens so slowly that you don’t usually even feel it happening. When we first accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we are on an emotional high, some call a mountain top experience. You’re doing the things of God like praying often, reading your bible daily and going to church and tithing weekly. Then the adversary begins his slow and subtle attack. It starts in one area, maybe your prayer life; you begin praying a little less. Or in your bible reading you find yourself skipping days or even weeks without reading or studying your bible. Satan chips away little by little, until at some point you’re so far away from God that it’s easy to simply walk away from him forever without any of the guilt. The best way to protect ourselves from this is to have an accountability partner to share our struggles with and to encourage one another in times of need.

Ephesians 6:12   For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Proverbs 27:17   As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.