
Monday, March 21, 2011

Listen, do you want to know a secret? Shhhh...

Hi YOU! How are you today.  Hope my note greets you with a smile.  Make sure to leave me a note in the comments, I'd love to hear from you!  Sometimes I wonder if anyone is reading my posts or if I should continue.  Writing can be very therapeutic, even if no one else is reading - it's a cheap, effective and fun way to self diagnosis! LOL 
Hey, do you write poetry?  I never really have.  At times I have written songs, melodies or even long winded presentations to teach folks how to do "something", but it has never really crossed my mind to put pen to paper to write any type of poetry...that is until recently.  Jim and I like to write and brainstorm together, but I do most of my writing alone, in quiet times - as a mom of three, quiet time is a rare thing and it's usually at night when I'm most creative and slap happy. You'll get some of my most funniest work, my most sappiest work and my most "circular" talk late at night, makes for some crazy creations.  I should mention, I like to speed write, I don't like to think TOO hard when I compose anything creative/artsy; I just let it flow out and see how fast I can throw it onto the page - it's always a hoot to read it months later and see if it's any good! LOL  Keep in mind when reading this, that for me the faster the better - makes for fun self discovery and to me it's almost more of a challenge!

Here's something I wrote several months back, it took about 3 minutes and so I thought I'd be vulnerable and share it with you.  It's unedited, so you know, take it for what it is:

I expect God to keep me safe. I expect that I will fail him. I expect that he will redeem me. I expect that I will come into the fold. I expect that I will be challenged. I expect that he will give me the words to use. I expect that I will tell you about Christ. I expect I will be shunned. I expect I will die a little inside. I expect God will redeem me again. I expect I will rise above. I expect I will forget to be humble. I expect God will humble me himself. I expect I will learn from the past. I expect I will grow and share from my experience. I expect I will be hurt. I expect that God will heal me. I expect that I will praise him. I expect I will forget him. I expect I will be reminded. I expect I will exalt him. I expect he will smile. I expect I will cry. I expect he will dry my tears. I expect he will lift me up again. I expect it will be on his terms. I expect it will be by his grace. I expect it will be by his hands. I expect to be his forever. I expect only because he has promised. I expect only because he is faithful.

The definition of expect: verb 1. to look forward to; regard as likely to happen; anticipate the occurrence or the coming. 2. to look for with reason or justification.

I hope you're having a wonderful week so far....hugs & love dear are awesome and you are loved! xoxo


  1. Hey there! I really don't know how to read or write poetry very well but I enjoyed reading yours! Thanks so much for sharing. I know what you mean about comments, it is hard to write when you think no one is listening. I just tell myself that I enjoy writing and that isall that matters. Keep writing!

  2. LOL THANKS STACEY!!! You're always such an're so awesome! Yeah, I've never been much into writing or poetry, it's something pretty new to me. I started keeping an ongoing "thoughts" journal that contains, thoughts, prayers, funny things my kids say". It's fun to go back and read them and remember where I was at in my mind when I wrote them. A blog is like that too, but a little more vulnerable since you're putting it out there for everyone else too! Thanks for the advice,I so appreciate it - it came just at the right time!!! xoxo

  3. Kim, You CANNOT quit writing. I don't get to reading on here a whole whole lot, but I think you are so great at writing. So keep writing, because I enjoy reading it!

    We're going to write a book remember!? How can we get that goal accomplished and go on our book tour if you quit writing! Let's make the book about a fictional 25 year old college graduate who can't find a job and has to move back home with her parents, and TRY to find a job. OH WAIT, THAT'S NOT FICTIONAL! I DO have to move home with my parents! hahaha.

    Oh well, alrighy... keep writing! I love it, I don't care what anyone says, if you quit writing, I quit reading. And that would just be sad!

  4. LOL Amanda you are so cute!!!! :-) I won't quit writing...cause I need you reading! LOL Actually I was going to quit singing! HA!!! Isn't that funny, I was writing about something different but it read like I was talking about my writing! LOL I was trying to be discrete. HA!!! Thank you for the encouragement woman...and you hang in there, we'll just have to MAKE you a writing job by US writing it ourselves....God's going to get you where he wants you...I know he is!!!! He's moving stuff around and getting you ready....I can't wait to see what he has planned for this fantastically smart, kind hearted, bubbley College Graduate named Amanda Brown!!! xoxo LOVE YOU!!!!!


So, whatcha think? Love it, hate it, could care a less? You listened to me now I would LOVE to hear what you have to say! HUGS & LOVE!