
Monday, March 14, 2011

Wow....that was perfect timing!

I always find God’s timing amazing. It’s pretty cool to watch his hands at work in my family’s life. Jim and I work on his weekly Chaplain Devotionals together, and we always smile in delight upon their completion, because many times we have no idea what the topic will even be until they are completed! Sometimes we have a ‘clue‘ but most times we wait to be inspired and led with no idea of the direction that God is going. The cool thing is that the outcome ultimately speaks to Jim or myself directly, other times it’s timely for conflicts within the Auto Plant where he posts these and even other times the message is unclear who it is for until weeks later. Folks in the plant use these devotionals all over the state - and in fact other workers mail them off to friends and family as far as the Philippines.

One thing that always seems to remain true, the message comes from lots of listening and patiently waiting for God to present this week’s path. Almost every week, when we attend church on Sunday, the Pastor’s message is the exact message we just wrote or posted that week. Sometimes I’ve even posted a piece of our message here or there on Facebook and we think, “Wow, this is God driven - it must be truly what he was wanting us to write on. That, or the Pastor has been reading my posts or sneaking over at night to read this week’s devotional that we’ve prepared!” LOL either way they’re very ’spot on’. Many times we’ll sit in church during the sermon and turn to each other and smile or giggle because often times the exact same scripture that was running through our minds (and that had made it onto paper), are the same scripture passages that he is teaching on at that moment - WOW how cool is that. The same held true for this week. I’ll share it with you in a few - but for now: giggle, giggle!

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