
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I've Been Checked Out....

Sometimes at the end of a long day, Jim and I will sit in bed and talk. The funniest things will come out of our mouths…sometimes we‘ll write songs together or do a write off challenge of who can write the best (or stupidest) song about random things like toothpaste. Or we play a game of “invent something NOW in 1 minute flat“ or other silly stuff…some of the coolest and funniest inventions have come out of that bed…yes, like our 3 boys! LOL You know I had to go there. Usually we talk about the kids, our dreams for them & us, we talk about work (sometimes) or about what God has been speaking to us about. It's a time to reconnect and catch up; and as I lay my head on my pillow, I need to see Jim's smiling at me before I close my eyes for the night - it's the perfect ending to every day.
C-man Sounding The Sirens
This week we were laying there and he says to me hey did you hear about such and such on the news. And I said, “News! I haven’t had control of my TV in over a week - if it isn’t on the Disney Channel, Nick Jr. or Facebook then I haven’t heard about it”. He started laughing and I continued to say, “well I think if it was important someone would call us wouldn’t they? Oh wait, I never hear the phone to answer it. Well my mom would come over and tell me if we needed to know something important”. And then my brain began to riff, “What if the Russians have landed in Michigan and the sirens haven’t gone off to warn us, how will my mom drive over to tell us. You know, like the movie Red Dawn. Eeeks, what if it’s not Russians but aliens. What if there are alien invaders in the next town over and we haven’t heard about it. Nah, someone would have said something on Facebook by now, night love you”. And we started cracking up! J And just yesterday I was telling my mom about the huge snow storm heading our way, she hadn’t heard about it yet. I said “yeah mom, my neighbor said the weather channel predicted 18 inches of snow for us.” She said no, how do you know - that can’t be, it’ll never happen…did you hear this for yourself on the news? Not on purpose but I laughed as I told her, “No I didn’t see the news report, BUT it was all over Facebook”. oops

All 3 Checking OUT Together!
Ha, tee hee…I guess it’s true, I get all the news that I need on FB 24/7...who knew! I suppose I had better reclaim my television and get back in the loop! I have been on a news strike now for a few months, and it has been quite pleasant avoiding all the sadness…but just because I avoid sadness it doesn’t mean it still isn’t there. Ignoring the news might help me to stay sane and happy but I miss the opportunity to help in my community, pray for the hurting and well…hear the weather reports first hand. Although I’ve been super happy, maybe it’s not fair to be so “checked out”.  But just so you know, if you haven’t heard, there is an URGENT WARNING! Facebook now automatically scans your brain through your monitor. To block this, go to the kitchen, get aluminum foil, and wrap it around your head. Stay calm and breathe through your left nostril ONLY. This is a SERIOUS problem and has been confirmed by a cousin's girlfriend's neighbor's son's baby's mama and her pet Chihuahua. Copy and paste as your status to SAVE YOUR FRIENDS!! Love & hugs to all…..

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