
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just thinking about ya doin?

Wow, I had so much hope for this plans but I had planned to make big plans - or something like that.  But this week has been so busy, so crazy, so packed full of random busy stuff that when Saturday (today) came I just thought "blah".  I'm just gonna plan to do nothing or something but I'm not gonna think about it, that is until my almost 9 year old says "can we do something fun today". Geesh...something fun...he always sets me up for failure! LOL My fun and his fun don't always line up. My fun is sitting on the couch laptop on lap, covered in a blankie, with my tivo'd soap operas on, while my hubby offers me a nice cup of hot cocoa or a Sprite.  I have a feeling that's not quite what my lil' guy means by fun.

So far we've danced, made up songs (while daddy strums on his Gee-tar), practiced our 4 year old handwriting, drew stick figures, made and chowed chocolate chip pancakes and now...the dreaded shower.  I have no idea why a shower sounds exhausting sometimes, but it does. I just don't want to have to dry off somedays. LOL That's so bad...but whatever happened to my Jane Jetson Power washer/dresser/feeder machine. I thought for sure some smart women would have perfected that devise by now. My bad, I think that was on MY to do list and I got peanut butter smeared all over that spot of the list.

It's 3:31pm and somehow my day feels ALMOST over yet it's just started...that's what happens when your family wears themselves out and sleeps in until 10/11am.  YAY...I love those days.  I think the highlight of my day so far is the funny things that my kids will say during breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'd write you them all but I swear you'd pee your pants and if one of them found out what I wrote they'd slug me...hard!   Today's funny words come from a little 4 year old boy, with no fears, an adult size sense of humor and best of edit button:  "Mommy (as he lifts his shirt), touch my manboobs, go ahead...I don't mind".  That's an orange juice 'spittle worthy moment' your pancakes!   His newest thing is to fart and blame it on someone else in the room.  Since I'm usually with him (alone) much of the day, he'll let one rip and say in a little whisper, "you did that!"  HUH? I'm pretty sure I didn't. LOL "yeah you did, you snuck it out" and then smirks and giggles a crooked face.  I'm not sure, but I have a feeling a big kid (or man) may be teaching him this stuff.

How is it possible, that one 12 year old boy can slip in a DVD of  Mike Rowe's "Dirty Jobs" and within minutes every man and boy child will suddenly be congregating into the viewing area?  They are in a trance and fascinated...of course...they're talking about snakes and butt probes....nice....snakes and butts and Mike Rowe is saying, "can we say butt hole on tv?" Now they're collecting snake puke and sending it off to a lab....AWKWARD....this should not surprise me....such beasts...LOL....or as I like to call them my manimals. 

On to prettier topics....there's gotta be a shoe sale going on SOMEWHERE in this town at this very moment...and I'm pretty sure that they're waiting to open the store doors especially for me!! I better go look for a know I will find one!!! YAY!  Is it spring yet? My perfectly manicured toes are dying to make a debut.  I was totally going to pull out and put on my pretty lil' flip flops - is 50 degrees sufficient heat for that?  I opted out, I just know my heart would break by this Sunday's snow and ice storm....I'm off to look for some coupons, I think I need some retail therapy...and ice cream!! :-)

HUGS & LOVE mean so very much to me...thanks for're the best...and feel free to chime in!!! xoxo


  1. Love this Kim!
    We call them Man Snaps at our home. because they really do not "boob" out! LOL! They look like the male end of a snap!

    Thankfully my 4 yr olds do not pas the blame but insist on running around screaming to the top of their little lungs, "Eww, someone open a window!!! Papa (or whoever) farted!"


  2. LOL I love snaps! awesome! That's funny....mine will do it and either crack up really loud and screachy or he'll look all serious at you and say under his breath all mumbly "you did that"...and then wait/pause and crack up! LOL Thanks for reading and sharing!!! way too funny!!!


So, whatcha think? Love it, hate it, could care a less? You listened to me now I would LOVE to hear what you have to say! HUGS & LOVE!