
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Kibble Kibble Everywhere!

My dog likes to pick at his food! I find stray kibble all over the floor ALL DAY long! I pick it up and then there's always more a few hours later scattered again all over. Pooch will dig in his bowl, grab a mouth full and drop it somewhere random in the dinning room (yes, he likes to eat where the rest of us do, go figure)!   So he'll drop it and proceed to pick out the ones he likes and leave the rest for dead.  If I had lots of time and a need for a good laugh, I would keep a journal of what colors of kibble I see left as rejects.  They must be individually flavored, right?  

My husband recently said, "dogs are colorblind right?" and I said, I've heard that but I didn't think TOTALLY!  I knew they had great night vision, but I really wasn't sure, I'm not a vet, so what do I do?  Of course what do I do when I have a question about ANYTHING????  Googled it! LOL Here's what I found:

"To put it in very basic terms, the canine color field consists mostly of yellows, blues, and violets. "Human" reds, greens, and oranges are not distinguishable to dogs and instead appear somewhere on their yellow to blue spectrum.  The reason? The retina of both species contains two types of photo receptors, rods and cones. The human eye, however, contains more types of cones while the canine eye has more rods and no fovea, which is responsible for sharp visual detail in humans. The result is that dogs have superior night vision and are better at tracking movement than we are, but see fewer colors and shapes and objects appear in much less detail."

This may explain why his food are muted tones maybe?  He couldn't possibly see the color or shape and snub his nose at that, could he? I just assumed it was all one flavor regardless of the color, but now I wonder!  What is my dogs favorite flavor, beef or chicken! LOL

But so yeah, there could be a whole trail of kibble 5 feet in any direction, and when you don't realize it's there it hurts a bit and awkwardly sticks to your feet! Maybe time to switch food OR dogs? LOL  Of course I'm joking, Poochi is a keeper, maybe not the food; picky Poochi!

Either way, this year I have had a change in my thinking about "STUFF"!  I choose to look at my "burdens" and "bummers" as blessings instead; that abandoned kibble means I have that sweet Poochi in my life.  AWE!

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