
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Very, not so much!

I’m not a superstitious person, I don’t believe in luck, good or bad. I used to until I came to truly know Christ - until I came to know God of the bible - the true God, not the one I made him out to be in my own small mind. I believe in God’s blessings, God’s intervention, God’s grace and mercy.

I have a cross necklace collection, it’s just sort of scattered around in my jewelry box - it’s not arranged, cataloged or something I prize! But since I’m a lover of Christ I do like to wear a pretty cross now and then to show my faith or even just to remind me “whose” I am. Many times it could be easy to get caught up in the world and be fooled into forgeting that I have power, but truly I am not powerless because through Christ I am given the strength and might to live a bold life for him and conquer all fears - to conquer death! WOW…is that ever cool.

So sometimes, especially on the days I feel weak or sad, I like to wear a hidden cross around my neck as a reminder to me that he is close and I am never alone. Sometimes on the days I feel strong and powerful I like to wear a very visible cross around my neck to indicate I’m His, see His child, here I am…so just try to steal my joy - it’s not happening - humbly thru Him I'm made mighty and can do all things.

Truth be know, I also have another piece of jewelry I wear often - it’s a ring with a small, pretty, sparkly bow on top. It reminds me of that old notion that if you tie a ribbon around your finger it will help you to remember something. I wear my bow to remind me of a few things! It reminds me that life is a gift and to cherish it and to remember to whom I am grateful for that gift. It reminds me that I am special, even if the world doesn’t see me as special, God does. It reminds me that there has been a promise made, actually several of them. Promises made by the King, not just any King, the King that sits on high. He promised that because I believe in Him, the life I’ve been given isn’t temporary but is everlasting. A life with Him that is full, abundant, happy and treasured. This bow ring keeps my mind focused that His promises are endless and quite lavish. He promised that He is with me and you, He loves us and will never leave us no matter how many times we mess up and come back to Him for forgiveness. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble and times of great joy or great sadness. In Jeremiah 24:6, He says that He will always build us up, not pull us down. What a great promise! A promise I wish many people could make but just can't, won't or don’t. God also promises that the good things that He has planned for you and I are too many to count.

Many, LORD my God,
are the wonders you have done,
the things you planned for us.
None can compare with you;
were I to speak and tell of your deeds,
they would be too many to declare. Psalm 40:5

Don’t ever forget whose you are or what you are! When you feel distressed or broken know these things don’t come from the Lord; know that they are a trick to discourage you, hurt you and pull you away from having a deeper relationship with God. Dive into the Word of the Lord and be reminded you are God’s! His child, his princess or prince - a special one and only you!  Have peace and comfort knowing that He never changes, is always the same steady eddy, consistent friend that wants only good for you, wants only to be close with you, wants to be your center, your cornerstone and your firm foundation.

Here’s one of my favorite bible verses, I thought I would leave you with it to think about this week:

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Hope you're having a super week so far....hugs, peace and love! Kim


1 comment:

So, whatcha think? Love it, hate it, could care a less? You listened to me now I would LOVE to hear what you have to say! HUGS & LOVE!