
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Janked Up Stuff - I'm Stuffed Out!!!

Vacation, YAY!  I love fun time with my hubby & our boys! Poor Jim, he got this idea in his head to start his week by cleaning out the garage. Not my first choice, BUT it does have to get done.  Trust me, when you have to call your neighbor and say "hey, mind if we put stuff on your curb for garbage day?" you know it's bad!  But, our neighbor is not home this week so he of course responded with a laugh and said "SURE THING, MORE THE MERRIER"!  Careful Steve, you've not seen our garage ALL winter!  It's looking good now, but the curb, not so much! :-)

We do have awesome neighbors for sure!!!  Our one neighbor always worries and asks if we're moving everytime we have a big "CLEAN OUT".  I told Jim "why don't we just set up a table and sell this stuff"....then realize all the work that entails I quickly corrected my self and yelled out "NAAAAWWW"! 

We put the good out early on the curb for the garbage then we can put more out after they pick thru! LOL Well, we had some critters get into the garage this Winter and  they ruined bunch of stuff. :-( So it's all gotta go...critters are gone but the stuff is janked up!  Good reason to buy more????  No, I'm on this new purge and let it stay gone cleaning kick.  I love to donate and toss out stuff...but this year it's even the past I'd just replace the old with new and immediately accumulate more stuff...I'M "STUFFED" out...less is more in 2011 for if my big butt would just agree I'd be all set!  But I think my behind is here to's made itself comfy and has dug it's feet in and holding on for dear life!  Hugs & Love friends.....


  1. This made me giggle! I have to say that the less "stuff" I have, the happier I am. Yet, I find it so hard to get rid of useless stuff. Do I really need the squishy stress ball from the health fair? do I need the box that once held greeting cards because it is pretty? Do I need the coaster with Bray's picture all faded just because his teacher made it for him? Ughh, it is hard to let go but it is the new trend! Good luck with your purge.
    Love ya, Stacey
    (my google account isn't working right now so this may not show you it is me)

  2. LOL!!! Thanks Stacey!!!! I agree...less stuff I have the happier I am too. I told him pretty much EVERYTHING in there I don't want so do what you will. I'm sure I want it but don't need I just gave him the green light to go for it!!! LOL Feels so great!!! There's a bunch we're donating and as I write the garbage men are swinging around the corner to pick up the entire remains of my garage...okay...we kept the bikes and the baseball bats! LOL only the necessities! :-) But's CLEAN in there...and bleached! LOL It's a great feeling isn't it!!!! Thanks...Love ya too!!!


So, whatcha think? Love it, hate it, could care a less? You listened to me now I would LOVE to hear what you have to say! HUGS & LOVE!