
Friday, January 28, 2011

At A Loss For Words - Naw, Sometimes They Just Gotta Simmer….

I am never at a loss for words, am I? LOL No, but sometimes I find I need to hold my words in, let them stew around for a bit - I like to put them on simmer and see what God says about them - he‘s the master editor. And we all know that “flesh” many times needs editing.  Some great sadness has reached my doorstep on many occasions and once again I find it is knocking at my door. But add to this pain, more pain of a drama maker of the family coming out of the woodwork to make my mother's diagnosis all about them.

We all have them in our family, the drama queen that doesn’t have the time of day for you unless you have a twenty dollar bill in hand. The liar that can spin a story out of the blue that would make you ask yourself, did this just actually come out of her mouth. The family deserter that leaves town and blames you for their bad decisions and the poor outcomes that have resulted. The story weaver that will re-work a story about their thievery and handiwork and make herself come out the victim somehow in the end. And the flat out evilness of spreading such lies about dead people that would make my dog throw up in his mouth - again. Sometimes it's hard to believe the actual size of nuts they have. LOL This is my flesh speaking but it has been edited by many days of ‘simmer’! But yes, I said it, hahoneys, gumbauts, nads. Somehow they think they are all THAT when actually they haven’t even arrived to the party. You know, the deserved ones…responsible for nothing yet deserving of everything. The ENTITLED ONES! For real?

I can never understand selfishness and unkindness. I can never understand greed and hatred. I can never understand the inhumane and the corrupt. I understand being upset and misspeaking or mis-stepping....but all in all most people have compassion and empathy. It all comes down to self centeredness and how can they benefit from a situation….what can they get out of this? Whether it’s loot, sympathy, pity, a chance to yell or just because you like to throw a wrench into someone's life just to see if you can stir up chaos and pain. I am just not a drama sort of person. I never have been, so I tend to avoid the drama queens of the world.

I‘ve gotten so good at spotting these people that I can usually read them just after a quick few minutes of conversation…it is the discernment that I have prayed for. It has never failed me and I cling to it…THANK YOU GOD!  They‘re not hard to spot, it's just really disappointing when they trample across my path. I'd really like to post the note I received in my inbox a few days ago, but I have taken the high road instead of the path that leads to destruction. I am a truth seeker and a truth teller, but I am not mean spirited so I will keep the details of such nonsense to myself.  Most times now, unlike my past, I do hold my tongue and choose my words carefully while still shining the spot light onto corruption or just plan mean, heartbreaking, dream robbers. But I do believe what is most important in these situations is to let your light shine, because the more we shine our light the less places there will be for darkness to hide!  Everyday I choose again, to love him and to keep his word in my heart - I choose daily to reflect the son!

(NLT) Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.”

I figure that eventually these sorts of havoc wreaking, drama starting, mean-spirited people will be figured out by everyone anyways: so I won't post the note! I'll just post what has given me great comfort...the love of God and the true love of his faithful children…my brother's and sister's in Christ (and not those with ‘said faith‘ yet a heart of fire and a tongue filled with venom).

If anything, today has taught me that I have grown in God's love more than I ever could have realized...and for that, I smile through the garbage that the enemy tries to throw at fact: HAHAHAHAHA I laugh in his face! My dear Aunt Dorothy (loving know by C-man as Auntie Em)  reminded me of something I already knew but need to hear again...."the Devil rises up in times like these and tries to pit family against family". True words and a great reminder! A testament to the fact that this new creature has truly come much further than she realizes. Because again, you may be able to steal my time but you'll never be able to steal my joy OR Jim's pie! LOL 

Here are some words to live by - they have always brought me peace and understanding. And they remind me of why it is okay to be the nice one, and why I do what I do - most importantly who I do it for - for His Glory!

One of my favorite quotes from Mother Theresa:
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway.
Peace & love dear friends!!!


  1. Wow! So glad I found you! You are so positive and so right in the words you type. Us positives cannot let those negatives get the better of us! I too have one in family, yes, I think we all have one, that it's me me me only when it is for advantage of them. Otherwise, you only hear negative all the time. With these people, in family or in daily life, I gotta remain calm and think like a duck. I am oil, resistant of any water, it will fly at me and try it's best to knock me down. I am a duck, strong and resistant! The water will roll off my back and I will never get wet! Positive Duck! --Nina

  2. AWE...thank you Nina...I'm so glad we've connected!!! I love that....I'm a duck TOO!!!! Sometimes I feel like I'm dodging arrows but from now on I'm just gonna QUACK like a duck...beautiful analogy - thanks for sharing...quack! :0) HUGS!!!


So, whatcha think? Love it, hate it, could care a less? You listened to me now I would LOVE to hear what you have to say! HUGS & LOVE!