
Friday, January 21, 2011

Sock it to me baby...

You’ll probably hear a lot on this blog about my 3 sons. They are ages 12, 8 and 4 and are the loves of our life. All 3 are very similar in personality, in looks and in likes and dislikes, but I am more surprise that with all these similarities that they are SO different in so many other ways. One thing that they are identical in: they all 3 have a sock “thing“. They have to fit a certain way, they have to feel a certain way and when they’re at home chilling - they have to be OFF! LOL Its funny, I think they may get this sock thing from me but in a “mega dose”.

The moment that each one of these darling boys come home, instantly the gear gets removed and tossed at the foot of the front door. It starts with the shoes, hats, gloves, coats and then they run to the bathroom and wash up. And then it begins, one by one the SOCKS come off - sometimes socks never get put on in the first place. Normally this shouldn’t bother me but the quirky part to the story is that whenever the feeling hits them, that no matter where they are, the socks have to come off and are left in that spot. Which means on any give day you can find one of three sizes of stocks left in random places all over the house. They leave them wherever literally!!!

Come on over, you can find them in the middle of the living room, on a dining room chair, underneath any given chair or couch. Take a peak under the bed, in the bed or the side of the bed. Hey, sometimes they come in pairs and sometimes they get separated from its mate.  You can also find one by the television stand and another one in the toy box. One time, I found an itty bitty sock…guess where? My refrigerator! Really and truly its that random. No matter how hard I try to drive home to them that they need to put them in their dirty clothing basket or in the laundry room it just never happens. I one day told Jim I'm going to have him or grandpa build me a sock tree - so the minute they get home they can just hang their socks on the sock tree and I‘ll know where to find them for laundry day! LOL

C Man dancing sockless & pantless!

My children dislike socks so much that many times they would prefer to leave the house sockless....even during snow storms. Just this weekend Cameron started off his Sunday morning dressed for church WITH socks and shoes on and ready to go. By the time we made it into the car he had shoes on his feet with NO socks. I have to do a sock "call out" GET YOUR SOCKS ON and then I have to do a foot check, a “pre” shoe screening so to speak. After this weekend I guess I need to add a sock “door check” to my to do list!

Hey, 2 out of 3 is not bad!

I suppose we really are a bunch of shoeless, sockless hillbilly wannabes. We like to watch tv and play video games sockless, dance sockless, eat sockless, sleep sockless, visit grandma’s house sockless and now we can add going to church sockless. In fact, you’ll be lucky if we even bother to put our shoes on at all. With all this socklessness going on in my house, it makes me wonder why in the summertime my boys socks look like they’ve ran a marathon in a pig race. They are so dirty…I get it…they only like to wear their socks when “shoeless” and only when they outside…we’re all messed up and confused! There’s been times when all five of us have ran outside to stop the ice cream man, yes, in our socks! LOL

So maybe it’s a motivation thing? Maybe it’s just a "who can resist ice cream" thing?  Maybe it’s a feet to constriction ratio sort of thing? Or you so want to go outside barefoot but who knows what’s lurking in the grass and socks just give you that extra “bug” shield security we need with out all of the constriction of a shoe? Or maybe you just want to drive your mama nuts with filthy socks?  Is there a filthy sock constest among boys that I don't know about?  If so, what's the prize and can mom's enter too? Maybe there's just no reason at all.

We even decorate our Christmas Tree sockless!

The worst (or best) part, my husband just informed me that I do the same thing. He said look, there’s two under the kitchen table right now! LOL I give in…I give up…I’m part of the sock haters club and didn’t even know it. I’ll have to be more respectful of where my socks land from now on…tee hee…it was pretty funny, I just saw a pair of Jim’s socks balled up on the steps. Jim says, “that’s Poochi, he drags them out of my laundry to play tug of war with”! LOL sure he does….he does that to mine too…didn’t you know! J

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