
Friday, January 14, 2011

Not sure what to start with, its my first.....

Hi there! Welcome. I've hesitated posting my first blog page because I'm not sure what topic to start with for such a momentous occasion ! :-) I like to build things up in my head bigger than they really are. Anyways, I have a habit of just spewing out onto the keyboard whatever thoughts pop into my head....for your comfort and viewing pleasure I'll really really try to make them brief.  I said try!  That's why I subtitled this blog ".....1 minute ramble" that's to keep me on target so you don't burn your eye sockets from reading this! So it may at times go over 1 minute but I'll try to do my best to.............." oops...I can't go any further...sorry, its just my minute is up! Eventually you might see that number increase here or there! LOL  HUGS & LOVE!  Kim


  1. Burn my eyesocket?/ Now that is an out loud laugh! LOL I love your Blog!!! Vickie

  2. I am very tickled to see this blog up and running! You're going to have so much fun, and bless others at the same time! Congratulations on your very first post.


So, whatcha think? Love it, hate it, could care a less? You listened to me now I would LOVE to hear what you have to say! HUGS & LOVE!