
Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Expectations! Expectations start at home. Teach a child what you expect of them and then they’ll know what path you want them to choose. Make a child guess at your expectations and he’ll run all over the road, in my flower beds, through the candy isles, hitting and screaming and calling people names just to find the right path, to please you, to please himself. No expectations = no direction. No direction = a kid starved for guidance and attention. A kid starved for attention = the trouble makers of tomorrow….and the dude who gets yelled at for letting his dog poop on my yard! I see you owner of the random pooping dog…I expect you to not pretend you don’t see your dog pooping on my snow, I expect you will know that I know what you know….I expect you to pick that up! LOL

I bet YOU were expecting me to take expectations in a totally different direction, weren't you!  But this will work too!  Have a great day....hugs & love!

Doesn't that dog realize we like to sample our snow, play in our snow and build temporary friends with it! Protect our snow quality for the sake of the snowmen of the pooper dogs allowed! LOL


So, whatcha think? Love it, hate it, could care a less? You listened to me now I would LOVE to hear what you have to say! HUGS & LOVE!